
New to Pole?

Do you find going to the gym totally blah?


Are you looking for a way to exercise that is super fun and has a great community of supportive and empowering women just like you?


You’ve found your Diamond!

Pole dancing has a heap of awesome health benefits such as; improving core strength, upper body strength and cardio. But what you might not know is that pole dancing also improves your coordination and because we teach you routines you’ll also improve your memory and other brain functions! At Diamond Dance we believe that helping you to build strength in your body and confidence in your abilities will have a flow on effect to other areas of your life. You’ll start believing in yourself a little more, start asking for that promotion, voicing your ideas and taking action on your wildest dreams. And your Diamond Dance family will be right there with you, cheering you on and supporting you every step of the way. Women are the future; we are the force that will improve this world – we just need to unleash our inner Wonder Woman and wield our super power!

Experienced Pole Dancers

Are you looking for a boutique experience where you get high quality tuition with lots of attention from your teacher? Do you want to push yourself to an elite level of pole dance?

At Diamond Dance we have small class sizes of a maximum of 10 students per class so you always get the help you need. All of our instructors have continual intensive instructor training to bring you the most up to date knowledge in the pole industry. Many of our instructors have competed at a national level and founder Jacinta Diamonds has competed at an international level.

($35 redeemable on a course cost)


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